Glass Pages

How to Make Voters Care More About Environmental Issues

How to Make Voters Care More About Environmental Issues

Voters select their leaders on various grounds. Some people prioritize leaders who care about the economy more than anything else. Others take stances on social issues seriously. Unfortunately, environmental issues aren’t usually a priority for many voters. As a result, we end up with leaders who won’t care enough about these problems. Sure, they might do well in solving other…

Understanding High Density PDUs (Power Distribution Units)

Understanding High Density PDUs (Power Distribution Units)

The high density web scale compute automatically requires a shift in the way cooling is approached. Similarly, a different approach is needed in regards to how power will be deployed and managed all within a rack. In the following lines we will talk about power distribution inside data rack systems. What should be understood is that there are many different…

The Gender Equality Myth In Politics

The Gender Equality Myth In Politics

Contrary to what you might think, women struggle because of gender inequality all around the world. The common belief is that this is the case only in some countries that are not as evolved as the others. However, Crystal Clanton highlights that even northern Europe, which is considered to be the world’s most gender-equal region, reports exactly the same grievances…

Glass railing  is a wonderfully flexible option that makes any home or swimming pool safer and better to look at, but did you know that it’s a widely used option in the world of business too, featuring in commercial buildings everywhere? Inside an office area, a glass railing system  can be used to great effect to enhance the look of…

Right Brain Versus Left Brain and What it Means for You

Right Brain Versus Left Brain and What it Means for You

Understanding which type of brain you have can give you insight into how well you may be able to perform certain tasks in your academic career. And, while having a “right brain” or a “left brain” doesn’t solidify your actual skills, knowing which brain type you have can help you achieve higher success in school if you find yourself struggling…